Northeast Nigeria Humanitarian Response: Health Sector Bulletin – April 2024 – Nigeria




The efforts of the Yobe State Government and partners are still ongoing to curtail the ongoing cerebrospinal meningitis outbreak Fragile, conflictaffected and vulnerable (FCV) settings in Yobe State. While in Borno, discussion between the State Ministry of Health, Health Sector Coordination, and partners is emphasizing the need for a clear exit strategy and sustainability plan for the ongoing and further projects implemented in the state, particularly in Jere and MMC local government areas where donor engagement concerns funding and a health transition plan. The health sector will continue to provide direction, guidance, and support.

Coordination & Leadership:

• Health sector coordination conducted a leadership, coordination, and capacity-building mission in Yobe for the CSM outbreak.

• Support the development of survey tools for the disability inclusion and breaking down barriers project, sponsored by the disability working group in the BAY states, to enhance evidencebased prioritization of disability mainstreaming.

• Donor engagement on the transition and localization policies, drives, and strategies for HDPN in the NEN response across the Bay States Key resolutions were social health protection, transition plans with clear exit strategies for HDPN, and the need for reactivating the HDPN coordination platform.

Preparedness and Response to disease/outbreaks:

• Pulka in the Gwoza LGA investigation on AWD did not find evidence to support the existence of an outbreak of AWD in the area. However, the preposition of a cholera kit, the provision of cholera RDT tests and RCCE materials for active surveillance, community sensitization, and case management.

• 5-year hotspot analysis and indicator setting intra- and intersector (WASH and health) to provide basis for readiness and risk categorization of priority LGAs across the BAY states. 11 LGAs with the highest burden are earmarked for intervention in 2024.

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