WCC general secretary underlines shared vocation as Global Christian Forum opensPosted Apr 18, 2024 |
[World Council of Churches] People attending the Global Christian Forum heard from World Council of Churches general secretary the Rev. Jerry Pillay on the opening day of its fourth global gathering, held this week in Accra, Ghana, under the theme “That the World May Know.”
“As we gather as the 4th Global Gathering of the Global Christian Forum under the inspiring theme ‘That the World May Know (John 17:23b),’ we are reminded of the profound significance of our shared commitment to Christian unity and cooperation,” Pillay said in his message, noting that the Global Christian Forum is also marking its 25th anniversary this year.
With a particular focus this year on providing space for the inclusion of youth, women and leaders of migrant and megachurches, the Global Christian Forum serves to bring together Christians from all major streams of world Christianity for ecumenical encounter, prayer and faith sharing, all ultimately to contribute to the vision of visible Christian unity.
Read the entire article here.