Jos Nigeria District Conference. 3 March 20242024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
On 3 March 2024, the Jos District of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held its district conference at the Jos District Center in Bukuru, Plateau State, Nigeria. During the conference, two new branches of the Church were created, the Mangu Branch and the Dadin Kowa Branch. New boundaries for the district were also announced and sustained at the conference.
The creation of the Mangu branch has added significance. In January 2023, Brother Simon Panan Mwanchi, a member of the Church in Mangu, desired to meet with his fellow members of the Church, but the closest congregation was in Bukuru, 70 kilometers away. Through the inspired leadership of a mission president, and the efforts of Brother Simon to share the gospel with family, friends, and neighbors, missionaries were brought to his hometown. By April 2023, 104 individuals from Brother Simon’s hometown of Mangu had been baptized. Now, less than a year later, a branch of the Church has been established. To read more about this story, see here.
Elder Enefiok Ntem, an Area Seventy of the Church in Nigeria, presided over the conference. He was joined by President Dennis Ocansey and Sister Rita Darkwaah Ocansey, mission leaders of the Nigeria Abuja Mission. President Ocansey oversees the Jos District. Jos District President Joseph Eduok was in attendance and spoke at the conference as well.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
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Over 2200 district members and friends filled the district building, with the main hall and all of the classrooms filled to capacity, extending even to the parking lot. The proceedings were also translated into Hausa.
After the Church business was conducted the congregation heard from the Church leaders in attendance.
President Eduok counseled the district members to, “find the answers to your problems and questions in the life and teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ.” He said that there are many tempests in our lives, “but the Savior is inviting us to come unto Him and lay our burden at His feet, and He will give you rest.”
Sister Anne Izing told the story of the prodigal son. “The lesson we learn is that the Savior is willing to forgive us, no matter how far we have strayed.” She then offered an invitation for all to come unto the Savior when we find ourselves in the wrong way.
President Ocansey spoke on how the Savior, when visiting the Nephites, asked that all that were afflicted be brought unto Him, and then He healed them. “Are we all healed,” he asked. “I invite you to run to the Savior to be healed. Running to the Savior means leaving all your sins behind and trusting in the Lord.”
The concluding speaker was Elder Ntem who remarked how outstanding, “even unimaginable the number of members in attendance today. I am overwhelmed with the faith of the members of the Jos District.” He encouraged them to stand for truth in all places and at all times.
“The Savior has set a pattern, and we should follow Him. If we want to have spiritual momentum, we should look up to the Savior Jesus Christ. We will be able to access the power of heaven when we keep his commandments,” he said.
Jos is located in the northern part of Nigeria, in the Plateau State. The Jos District of the Church is part of the Abuja Nigeria Mission.