

This book is essentially a study from God’s Word concerning the glorious presence of God. The objective is to present what the Bible reveals about the presence of God so that believers will be inspired and motivated to seek God and hunger for more of His presence.

While this book does not contain much of personal thought or explanation, I invite you, the reader, to meditate on the passages from the Bible assembled here. Soak in God’s Word that talks about His presence. Invite His presence into your life. Expect to experience His presence as you pursue Him. Hunger and thirst for more of His presence.

The “presence” of the Lord in the Old and New Testaments literally means the “face” of the Lord. To be in His presence simply means to be in a place where you seek His face. You gaze at His face. You behold the beauty of the Lord.

You are face to face with God. When you do this, you are in the presence of the Lord.

Get together with other believers and seek the Lord and His presence corporately.

Nothing on earth can be compared to being with Him and experiencing His presence.

Get desperate for more of Him!


Ashish Raichur


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