The Palestinian liberation scam: A global failure


A child stomps on an Israeli flag during a demonstration in Chicago, Illinois, to show support for the Palestinian people on October 11, 2023. Rally marshals stopped the display and attempted to take the flag. Organizers of the event called on the U.S. government to stop supporting Israel, which they refer to as a 'racist, apartheid state.'
A child stomps on an Israeli flag during a demonstration in Chicago, Illinois, to show support for the Palestinian people on October 11, 2023. Rally marshals stopped the display and attempted to take the flag. Organizers of the event called on the U.S. government to stop supporting Israel, which they refer to as a “racist, apartheid state.” | Scott Olson/Getty Images

What will it take for the world to confront the evil realities being carried out in the name of “Palestinian liberation?”

I still have a vivid picture of the stunningly beautiful Bibas children with their red hair — full of life and laughter.  Violently kidnapped from their home in Israel, they have now returned from Gaza in coffins, as forensic evidence revealed having been brutally murdered.

The blame must be laid at the feet of these demoniacs from Gaza.

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But it does not stop there because it also extends to the nations that chose to turn a blind eye to fact-based truth, moral clarity and the courage to stand up to the Islamic Nazis of our time by doing the right thing.

Silence in the face of evil is also evil.

When will the world have the courage to face the true nature of the Palestinian issue?

Fact-based truth

In 1917, after World War I, Britain legally controlled the region of Palestine, a territory, not a country. This is why there has never been a Palestinian king or queen, Palestinian currency, or a defined Palestinian people.

In 1937, 95% of the area was offered to the Arabs, with only 5% proposed for the Jews. The Arabs rejected this offer.

In the 1947-48 UN Partition Plan, half of the territory of what had been called Palestine was offered to the Arabs, and the other half to the Jews.

The Arabs could have accepted it, just as the Jews did, creating a thriving and peaceful nation on the Mediterranean.

Instead, fueled by Islamic Jihadism, the Arabs chose war in an attempt to destroy the Jewish state. Once the primary national founder and first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel, Tel Aviv was attacked by Egyptian Air Forces, as well as the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and other forces.

At that time, these countries outnumbered the Jews 40 to 1 in troops, 100 to 1 in population, 1,000 to 1 in military equipment, and 5,000 to 1 in land mass. Israel had 1 rifle for every 5 men, no artillery, an air force made up of a few planes, and a navy consisting of a few old ships.

But against all odds — and, on the heels of the Holocaust, the Jews prevailed, and the Arabs were defeated.

To this day, Palestinian Arabs refer to this period as the “Nakba” (the day of catastrophe) — an event that might be better understood in the West as “shooting yourself in the foot.”

What is clear is that the Arab states went to war with the State of Israel because they denied the historical connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel, instead, insisting that the territory be a single, unified Arab and Islamic state.

Nothing has changed. It is the same reason the Palestinian Arabs have rejected the offer of statehood five times.

The sad truth is that Palestinian Arabs have managed to manipulate the world by gaslighting rather than take any responsibility for their self-defeating failures.  They feed the false narrative that Israel is “the oppressor” in “occupied Arab land,” perpetuating the evil of murder and rape against Jews as justified response. 

German theologian and pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who confronted the insanity of Hitler and risked his life rescuing Jews, said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

We are now at a Bonhoeffer moment.

To remain silent is to be complicit, and to do nothing is accepting the immorality that will lead to the demise of all mankind.

Greg Denham is the Senior Pastor of Rise Church in San Marcos, Ca. He is the founder of “The Context Movement” and spearheads yearly “Friends of Israel Weekends” to fight anti-Semitism and champion friendships between Christians and Jews. He is the author of the new book, Rediscovering the Original Jesus Movement (How 1st Century Context Clarifies God’s Will & Course-Corrects the Church Today!).

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