The Abundant Life with Pastor John Hagee – “Faith is Not Mystical”


Faith isn’t wishful thinking, it’s substance and evidence! Faith isn’t rubbing a rabbit’s foot and hoping for luck—it’s built on the evidence of God’s proven performance! Every miracle in the Bible is a testimony that God is faithful, and He has not changed. If He parted the Red Sea, He can make a way for you! If He provided manna in the wilderness, He can provide for you today! If He healed the sick, He can heal you or your loved one right now!

Faith isn’t just believing that God exists—it’s believing He will act in your life today! Do you need a breakthrough? A miracle? A fresh start? Stop praying weak prayers of uncertainty. Pray in faith! The same God who scattered Israel’s enemies like chaff on the wind will scatter your troubles! The same God who lifted burdens then can lift yours now! Nothing is impossible with God—He has done it before and will do it again!


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