Nigeria: Tens of thousands to gather for LCCN’s 100th Annual Convention


“We are called to look ahead with clarity and purpose, seeking how we, as the body of Christ, can continue to spread the transformative light of the gospel,” said LCCN Archbishop Panti Filibus Musa. “How can we ensure that the light that began to shine over a century ago continues to shine even more brightly?”

A century of mission and faith

The convention traces its roots back to 1925 when it was first held as a platform to discuss mission work and strengthen the fellowship of believers, pastors, and missionaries. LCCN itself was founded in 1913 by the Danish Branch of the Sudan United Mission (now Mission Afrika).

Today, tens of thousands attend the convention each year, joining in Bible study, prayer, discussions, and cultural events.

Before the Annual Convention, about 700 LCCN pastors will gather for a pastors’ conference on 17 and 18 February under the theme “How shall we reach our own? A Century of Faith, A Future of Mission.”

Archbishop Musa shared that the question “How shall we reach our own?” was initially raised at the first convention to prompt reflection, particularly among the indigenous participants. It marked the desire to take responsibility for evangelism after having received the good news.

The question remains urgent today. “In our rapidly changing world, we face storms of injustice, hatred, violence, environmental disasters, human rights violations, gender-based violence, and widespread poverty,” Musa explained. “Many, especially our youth, struggle with hopelessness, unemployment, and overwhelming challenges. In addition, the LCCN faces a growing challenge from teachings that diverge from the truth of the Gospel.”

While faith is central to Nigerian society, the archbishop said the disconnect between belief and daily life highlights the need for renewed discipleship and action.

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