Extra-Biblical Trends in the Nigerian Church: Rejecting the Reintroduction of Jewish Ritual Objects -By John Oyebanji


In recent times, a noticeable trend has emerged in some New Testament congregations: the incorporation of Jewish ritual objects such as the tallit (prayer shawl), other ceremonial items, including shofar (the ram’s horn), and similar symbols. Proponents claim these items carry prophetic or divinely sanctioned significance. It must however be made clear, a careful study of Scripture reveals that these objects hold no inherent prophetic value for the Church today.

The Biblical Distinction Between Covenants.

The Old Testament contains many ceremonial practices and symbols which were a shadow that points toward future truths. For instance, the tallit and the ram’s horn had distinct roles under the old covenant. However, the New Testament makes it clear that Christ has inaugurated a new covenant – a covenant that fulfills and thus renders obsolete the external observances of the old law.

Consider Paul’s words in Colossians 2:16-17: “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.”  

This passage underscores that such practices are mere shadows and are no longer binding on believers now that the reality of Christ’s redemptive work has been revealed.

A Warning Against Extra-Biblical Additions.

Anyone asserting that God has now mandated the use of these Jewish objects is in error, not only unbiblical, but also represents a dangerous deviation from the truth of the Gospel. God’s Word is unchanging, and His instructions were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. To claim otherwise is to ignore the sufficiency of Scripture.

In Hebrews 8:13, we read: “By calling this covenant ‘new,’ he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.”

The new covenant, established through Christ, is marked by internal transformation and grace rather than external rituals. The emphasis is on the freedom found in Christ rather than adherence to ceremonial laws. As Paul exhorts in Galatians 5:1: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

The Danger of Reintroducing Rituals.

Reintroducing Jewish ritual objects into the Church risks confusing the distinction between the old covenant and the new. When church leaders begin endorsing practices that are not rooted in Scripture, it undermines the gospel’s sufficiency and distracts believers from the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice.

A courtroom analogy might be helpful here. Imagine a judge who has already recused himself due to bias; his continuing involvement would inevitably undermine the credibility of the entire judicial process. In the same way, once a practice rooted in the old covenant is reintroduced, it calls into question the Church’s commitment to the clear, unchanging revelation of God’s Word.

Standing on the Foundation of Scripture.

It is unfortunate that some who are meant to be the custodians of sound doctrine in local assemblies are turning to social media and popular opinion to dictate practice. The Bible is our final authority. 2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us:

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”  

Thus, any practice that contradicts or adds to Scripture – like the reintroduction of the tallit, the ram’s horn, or similar symbols – is not only extra-biblical but also, in effect, anti-scriptural. To embrace such practices is to stray from the true gospel of Christ. This is deeply troubling for believers who are called to discern and uphold biblical truth. We must be vigilant, for when extra-Biblical practices overshadow the Gospel, the very foundation of our faith is at risk.

The trend of reintroducing Jewish ritual objects into the New Testament Church has no prophetic mandate. These items, rooted in the old covenant, are not prescribed by God for believers today. As believers, we are called to honour the new covenant established in Christ (our Mediator and the perfect revelation of God’s will) – a covenant defined by grace and internal renewal rather than external symbols. Let us reject any addition to His finished work, and instead focus on the clear, unchanging message of the Gospel.

Let us heed the clear instructions of Scripture. If anyone claims that God has instructed the use of such extra-biblical objects, we must firmly stand by the Word of God, knowing that His commands are unchangeable. True worship, as intended by our Lord, centers on the gospel of grace and the transforming power of Christ – not on relics of a bygone era.

In these times, the Church must be discerning and resolute, our collective voice must also rise, ensuring that our practices align with the revealed truth of Scripture, and not with trends that lead us away from the heart of the gospel.

It is not enough to tolerate practices that blur the clear line between the Old and New Covenants. We must insist on fidelity to God’s Word, ensuring that our worship, our teaching, and our life in Christ remain untainted by extra-Biblical traditions.

The call is urgent: Let us stand firm in the liberty we have in Christ, and resist any movement that seeks to reintroduce ceremonial elements that belong to a past covenant. The integrity of the Church, and indeed the credibility of the New Testament message, depends on it.


John Oyebanji is an ordained Minister of the New Testament Gospel, called and serving at the Full Redemption Chapel of the Jesus Is Lord Foundation International, and a Public Affairs Analyst. He writes from Ondo City. oyebanjijohn00@gmail.com

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