Dr Paul Enenche – My Spiritual Journey So Far


Here are 7 lessons to be learnt from my spiritual journey so far:
1. Parents should watch and nurture the graces and giftings of God in the lives of their children. Prov 22:7. Don’t leave children to themselves.
2. Children can be introduced early in life to spiritual exercises that can help shape their future.
3. Make your waiting time to become your preparation time. 1 Cor 15:58.
4. Don’t look for the title to bear, look for the task to fulfil. Eccl 9:10. Serve God at every given and slight opportunity.
5. Identify liability relationships and disconnect as fast as you can. 1 Cor 15:33. Don’t manage any relationship to the detriment/ damage of your destiny. Lord, may I never meet the person or persons I should never meet.
6. Identify profitable relationships and sustain them. Prov 13:20. Don’t let anybody talk you away from the right relationships.
7. Serve every higher unction that God gives you the opportunity to encounter. 2 Kings 3:11.

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