Declaration for today the 24th of August, 2024


Declaration for today the 24th of August, 2024.

I speak today, the seal of exemption🔥; where blood is wasted your blood cannot be wasted
where men are cast down, you shall say there’s a lifting up

I take authority over the spell on uselessness, I announce to you today God will rise you and make you a surprise to those who think you will amount to nothing, I declare that spell is lifted In the Name of Jesus, Hallelujah 👏
Today happens to be the final day of the 12th Annual Children and Teens Convention, with theme ABOVE ONLY CHILD👏, God’s hand is made visible in the convention so far and we believe our children’s life with be a reflection of excellence standing out in the crowd and around their contemporaries, In Jesus’ Name

See you tonight for the CTDMP session by 10:30PM. The theme is “The Reversal Of Diversion”.
You are next in line for a testimony in Jesus’ Name; congratulations

#CTDMP #CommandingTheDay #Midnight #Prayers #DrPastorPaulEnenche #DrBeckyPaulEnenche


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