Dag Heward-Mills is among the top Christian authors in the world [Article]


One night, while praying, 25-year-old Dag Heward-Mills had an encounter with God that changed the course of his life and ministry. He was listening to a message by Kenneth E. Hagin on a tape recorder. While praying, the young medical student felt something jump out from the tape into his belly. He then heard a voice which said, “From today, you can teach.”

Many years later, the teaching ministry of Bishop Dag has impacted the lives of many people around the world. That young man with a small church in a classroom now has a worldwide ministry spanning over 90 countries. In this article, we will be discussing the teaching ministry of Bishop Dag through his books, and we will also be reviewing a few of his bestsellers.

The Office of a Teacher

Ephesians 4:8-11 tells us, “Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men…And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers…” The main ministry offices in the body of Christ are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

Each office plays a very important role in the body of Christ. One of the offices Bishop Dag flows in is that of a teacher. A man or woman with the teaching anointing has the ability to establish doctrine and explain complex concepts of scripture in an easy-to-understand way. Dag Heward-Mill’s teaching style is very down-to-earth and easy to understand.

After many years of writing books, Bishop Dag has written over 100 titles and published over 60 million books. There are many who write books but are sometimes unable to get people to read them. God has blessed Dag with a unique ability to write a number of books that a lot of people from around the world love to read.

The evidence that he caught the anointing of Kenneth Hagin is shown in the volume of books he has written and the worldwide recognition. Today, there are many who still read the books of Kenneth E. Hagin even though he died many years ago. I believe the books of Dag will still be read all over the world long after he has departed.

Some of his bestsellers include “Loyalty and Disloyalty”, “Model Marriage”, “The Art of Leadership”, “A Good General”, “Mega Church” and “He that hath”.

Loyalty and Disloyalty

The book “Loyalty and Disloyalty” is a unique blessing to the body of Christ. In this book, Heward-Mills describes a loyal person as someone who is faithful, constant, and does not change their good character. Jesus declared in the book of Matthew that He is about the business of building His church, which the gates of hell cannot prevail against.

The gates of hell are diametrically opposed to the building of God’s church. Satan often tries to destroy the church from within through disloyal people. The book on loyalty and disloyalty teaches about defending the church against the wiles of Satan. Many pastors from around the world have had their ministries transformed through reading this bestseller. Dag Heward-Mills once recounted a time when a pastor wept after he taught the church on the message of loyalty and disloyalty.

Model Marriage

“All the essential information that couples need to know about marriage can be found in ‘Model Marriage.’ This book delves into every stage of a couple’s journey toward a successful marriage, starting from courtship, wedding planning, honeymoon, sex, marital issues, childbirth, and parenting. What sets ‘Model Marriage’ apart is its easy-to-read and practical approach.

There are few Christian books that provide such detailed insights into marital aspects like sex. ‘Model Marriage’ is also highly recommended for marriage counsellors, as it can be used both before and after the wedding ceremony. Within its pages, readers will also find a question and answer section addressing common inquiries about marriage.”

The Art of Leadership

I highly recommend “The Art of Leadership” to anyone in a leadership position. This book serves as the ultimate guide on effective leadership. In it, the renowned author Dag Heward-Mills discusses the scarcity of good leaders in the world and urges readers to aspire to become one of them.

“The Art of Leadership” offers solutions to the myriad problems faced by leaders, emphasizing the importance of developing leadership skills to achieve greater success with the support of others. Readers will learn how to inspire people, accomplish goals through discipline, navigate challenging individuals, and much more. In “The Art of Leadership,” Dag Heward-Mills explains that one does not need to be a natural-born leader to become a leader. Leadership is a skill that can be learned and developed through practice. Skill is the ability to do something well, and with dedication, anyone can enhance their leadership abilities.

A Good General

“A Good General” by Dag Heward-Mills delves into the science of leadership, offering insights to help readers understand and enhance their leadership abilities. In this book, Heward-Mills emphasizes that everyone, whether they realize it or not, is engaged in a battle. Those in various leadership roles can greatly benefit from this book. Drawing on biblical principles of warfare, the book provides strategies for success in any conflict.

Key teachings include: the consequences of becoming a defender, the element of surprise, concentration of forces, economy of effort, flexibility, decisiveness, and the impact of poor communication on leadership effectiveness. Dag Heward-Mills teaches that Christians have an enemy that must be crushed and defeated. Christians who act nonchalantly regarding spiritual warfare are more likely to be defeated by Satan. “A Good General” offers readers essential wisdom keys to succeed in their fight against Satan.

The Mega Church

In “The Mega Church,” Dag Heward-Mills explores the reasons and methods for building God’s church. In the first chapter, he outlines why having a mega church—a large congregation—is essential. Bishop Dag argues that building a large church should be every Christian’s vision because it aligns with the building project that Jesus himself is involved in. This endeavour leads Christians on a significant spiritual journey, drawing them closer to God.

The book is divided into two key sections. The first part focuses on the anointing of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing that a minister cannot build God’s church without it. The church is not built by human might or power, but by the Spirit of God. Although there are actions one can take to be in a position to receive the anointing, it is ultimately God who anoints individuals.

The second part of the book offers practical steps for pastors to grow their churches. Bishop Dag provides insights on how to cultivate committed, devoted, and permanent members. In the final chapter, he shares principles of church growth, offering valuable guidance for those seeking to expand their congregations.

He that hath

In “He That Hath,” Dag Heward-Mills delves into a phrase from Jesus Christ in Mark 4:25: “For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.” At first glance, this scripture may seem unfair. However, upon deeper reflection, it becomes clear that “he that hath” continues to receive more because of specific positive actions and traits. Conversely, “he that hath not” remains in lack due to persistent negative behaviours.

Often, individuals who are poor attribute their situation to external factors rather than internal ones. To transition from “he that hath not” to “he that hath,” a person must be willing to change internally. Those who possess more continually do so because of their diligence, faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity.

Final Thoughts

Through the teachings in his books, Heward-Mills has reached people from all corners of the globe. Many pastors testify to the profound impact his books have had on their ministries, leading to significant changes. His writings have also enriched the Christian experience of many individuals, and some have even found salvation through them. The widespread readership of Bishop Dag’s books is a testament to his remarkable teaching anointing. This anointing has propelled his ministry from a humble classroom setting to one with over 4,000 branches across 94 countries. Though the anointing itself may not be visible, its effects are unmistakable. Bishop Dag’s journey underscores the importance of seeking God’s anointing to fulfil His calling on our lives.

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