Thieves steal Ten Commandments from church in England


Thieves stole three Victorian murals taken from St Andrew’s Church in Little Steeping, Lincolnshire, England, including a depiction of the Ten Commandments. The discovery of the theft was made on Feb. 23, 2025.
Thieves stole three Victorian murals taken from St Andrew’s Church in Little Steeping, Lincolnshire, England, including a depiction of the Ten Commandments. The discovery of the theft was made on Feb. 23, 2025. | Lincolnshire Police

Thieves have stolen a mural of the Ten Commandments and other Victorian murals from a church in Lincolnshire, England. Having discovered the missing artwork and two other Victorian paintings, representatives of St. Andrew’s Church in Little Steeping wondered if they had read the Eighth Commandment.

All three were displayed in heavy wooden frames and depicted religious themes, including the Lord’s Prayer and Moses delivering the commandments, The Telegraph reported. Police have not confirmed their precise market value, but said they “have sentimental value to the church and its members.”

Officers said the theft likely happened overnight, leaving muddy footprints but no sign of forced entry.

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“They probably wanted to learn a bit more about the commandment ‘Thou shalt not steal,’” the Independent quoted churchwarden Basil Harwood, 80, as saying. “They clearly didn’t read it when they stole it. And if they did, they obviously didn’t understand it.”

Calling the act “crazy,” he added it was disturbing that “someone can come in and take something of a sacred nature.”

Harwood suspects a visitor unlocked a side door and returned after hours, according to the BBC.

An extension cable was also taken, but other items stayed behind.

Lincolnshire Police have asked anyone with information to get in touch, saying even minor details could help.

Despite concerns, the churchwarden wants the church to remain open. “Obviously, it doesn’t make you feel good that some items have been stolen,” he said, but closing the doors would conflict with its welcoming tradition. He added, noting that volunteers will monitor the church doors more closely.

Police have circulated descriptions of the stolen artwork to local dealers and haven’t linked this theft to other incidents.

Harwood said he’s relieved nothing else was damaged.

The congregation hopes the thieves recognize the Ten Commandments text and rethink their act.

A spokesman for Lincolnshire Police said: “If you know where they might be, or have seen them for sale or offered in another way on social media sites such as Facebook Marketplace, please get in touch with the details you have. We would like to find the person responsible and locate the paintings to return them to the church and the congregation.”

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