The Last Miracle of Jesus – Church Times Nigeria


By Ladi Ayodeji

It’s always a most joyful thing for me each time I sit down to write this column.

I enjoy doing this because nothing excites me like talking about the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It’s the good news to a world that is used to bad news.

For me, the best news anyone can hear today is the hope of salvation to a world that is perishing.Jesus gave the final instruction to us, his followers,as he was received up to heaven, in what was clearly his last and greatest recorded miracle-Mk 16:19.

In the preceding verses,Mk 16:15-16, Jesus had given the last instruction to his disciples to go into every nook and cranny of the world to preach the gospel.

This was his last wish,his final message as seen in verse 19. Now,apart from being his last message,the ascension that followed was the greatest miracle of his earthly ministry, after the resurrection,and all of these things happened that day.

It’s amazing that preachers often overlook these two massive events-the greatest message, which is to go get others saved, and the greatest miracle after the resurrection which was his ascension.

The fact that these two memorable events occurred at the same time simultaneously, underscores their unique importance, even if little is said about them by our preachers today.

Personally, I believe that these two great events occurred to remind us that the saving of soul is the greatest miracle there ever could be,or that anyone could experience today.

Unfortunately, other miracles are rated as more desirable, and far more important than the saving of souls.That’s understandable.People are naturally hard pressed for material acquisitions,healings,and any other physical things that are visible,than abstract things like salvation.

Glory to God,in this short article, the Lord is reminding us again that we should continue to win the lost. That’s the most important thing as far the Lord is concerned. It was the reason he came into our world to die and be raised for our sin and redemption.

Therefore, anytime a Christian goes out to preach the gospel, to seek the lost, they are working on a miracle project,a key assignment of the gospel.

I have seen preachers use several unconventional strategies to get people into church.Some of these ideas are business seminars, training workshops, musical concerts, comedy shows,and such stuff to try and get people to come to church.

These are good ideas, but they do not necessarily grow the church. Such gimmicks only bring the crowd for a while, and then, when the thrill or sensation is over, people go back into the world and forget the church.

Nothing keeps people in church like the Holy Spirit himself.Even if a preacher is more popular than the social media,he won’t be able to hold down the crowd forever.

Only God has the power to draw people to himself, and keep them. We do not need to burn energy on physical church growth,or seeking big ministries,or building large cathedrals. Jesus didn’t send anyone to embark on these things.

All we are told to do is,go out there and preach the gospel and leave the rest for the Lord. Hallelujah!

Ladi Ayodeji is a counselor, author, motivational speaker and pastor. He could be reached on 09059243004(WhatsApp only).

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