On this Christmas, in the interest of spreading the message (of Love) of Jesus Christ, the missionaries of US-Christianity (Evangelicals) ought to take a vow to Christianize the rest of the world. Though Christians (especially the West led by the USA) are the most powerful community in the contemporary world but they continue to face violence and persecution in many countries where they are not in majority including in the countries of SAARC Region (where Hindus and Muslims are in pre-dominant majority) such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan as reported at https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/christians-in-india-experiencing-uptick-in-tragic-violence-bloodshed-in-2024-advocacy-group-calls-for-investigation/ar-AA1wwWsV?ocid=BingNewsSerp and https://www.msn.com/en-us/crime/general/3-christians-shot-one-severely-wounded-in-christmas-attack-on-pastor-s-home/ar-AA1wB3D9?ocid=BingNewsSerp and https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/bangladesh-17-christian-houses-burned-down-in-bandarban-on-christmas-eve/ar-AA1wzM1e and https://www.persecution.org/2023/07/13/afghanistans-christians-fight-to-survive-under-the-taliban/ .
The Christian missionaries are supposed to Christianize the rest of the world in the interest of spreading the message (Of Love) of Jesus Christ which will ensure the human rights of the people in every country of the world but these missionaries are not interested in these stated objectives of their mission. It goes without saying that If the US_Christianity and its missionaries start taking interest in Christianizing the rest of the world in the interest of spreading the message (of Love) of Jesus Christ then this world will be a much better place to live.
Especially when [after having repeatedly depicted the presidential election as a spiritual clash between good and evil, leading figures in the Evangelical movement, to remake America as an explicitly Christian nation, celebrated President Elect Donald Trump’s victory as a fulfillment of God’s divine will (as mentioned at https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-wins-election-evangelical-christians-celebrate-rcna178946 ] it is expected that the missionaries of the Evangelicals of the USA after January 20, 2025 will use this opportunity of Trump Presidency to not only solve the problems of Christians and their missionaries (who are facing violence & persecution) in the SAARC Region but will also for making Christianity a global religion which will assist the US-establishment in launching a new ““Human rights friendly rule based people oriented participatory Global Order (HRFRBPOPGO) based on Secularism Democracy and Socialism (which is nothing but profitable deployment of State capital in the interest of welfare State”).
The said HRFRBPOPGO can easily be established if its process is started from the extended-SAARC Region of over 2 billion people as mentioned in my articles https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4461 and https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/exclusive-reports-details/272 .starting first from India where powerful dissatisfaction has emerged against aggressive anti-Muslim policies of Hindutva forces which are ruling in centre and in many States including in Uttar Pradesh, the largest State of India with population of over 240 million as reported at https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/rss-chief-bats-for-inclusive-society-frowns-upon-new-disputes/article69008923.ece#:~:text=Rashtriya%20Swayamsevak%20Sangh%20%28RSS%29%20chief%20Mohan%20Bhagwat%20on,a%20%E2%80%9Cleader%20of%20Hindus%E2%80%9D%20by%20fanning%20communal%20divide )
It is hoped on this Christmas, the missionaries of US-CHristianity (Evangelicals) in the interest of spreading the message (Of Love) of Jesus Christ will take a vow to Christianize rest of the world to Christianity starting from extended SAARC region so that the new ““Human rights friendly rule based people oriented participatory Global Order (HRFRBPOPGO) can be launched in place of defunct present global order of the UN (which has been demolished mainly due to UKraine war by veto wielding country Russia mainly with the support of another veto wielding country China and that too in the contemporary globalized world which can’t do without some meaningful & properly-functioning global order).