How Kamala Harris’s coyness raises many unsettling questions


Vice President Kamala Harris arrives to speak during her visit to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Saint Paul, Minnesota, on March 14, 2024. Harris toured an abortion clinic, highlighting a key election issue in what U.S. media reported was the first ever visit by a president or vice president to an abortion facility.
Vice President Kamala Harris arrives to speak during her visit to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Saint Paul, Minnesota, on March 14, 2024. Harris toured an abortion clinic, highlighting a key election issue in what U.S. media reported was the first ever visit by a president or vice president to an abortion facility. | STEPHEN MATUREN/AFP via Getty Images

Who could ever forget Joe Biden “hiding in the basement” during the 2020 presidential campaign? And now his vice president seems to be operating from the same playbook as she sets her sights on the presidency. 

Why is Kamala Harris being so coy? What is she afraid of revealing about herself? The Cambridge Dictionary defines “coyness” as “behavior in which someone intentionally tries to keep something secret.” Why all the secrecy in the Harris campaign? 

Harris is purposely avoiding any setting where she might be asked unscripted questions. Who does that, other than President Biden? 

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Unfortunately, some in the media do not seem bothered by Harris’s coyness. This is just one more black eye for mainstream journalism in America. Sadly, we have been down this road before with Joe Biden. So, will those same media outlets be complicit yet again in their efforts to shield a Democratic candidate for president from answering critical questions?

Is Harris afraid of being held accountable for her complete abdication of duty after being tasked as vice president with securing our southern border? What about her promotion of Biden’s economic policies? And is she fearful of being called out for attempting to defund the police? What is driving her decision to remain so elusive? Perhaps she regrets being so forthcoming during a 2019 CNN town hall where she said: “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” 

So, who is the real Kamala Harris?

Many people have asked themselves in recent days: “What did Kamala Harris accomplish as vice president?” It is actually difficult to identify even one significant accomplishment.  Harris’s weak resume makes it all the more essential that she answer many relevant questions over the next months.

Is Kamala remaining silent because she is afraid that her far-left beliefs and practices will be brought to light? There is at least one dark policy that will haunt her to the grave and beyond, unless she repents, as I addressed in my recent CP op-ed titled, “Kamala Harris and Late-Term Abortion: A Cold-Blooded Abomination.” “The lives of 10,000 babies are lost every year to late-term abortions, the majority of which take place for elective reasons.”

Harris seems afraid to admit her views on a variety of issues. Will she pursue her previous policies if she wins the presidential election? Does this cagey candidate lack certain core convictions, or is she terrified that people might find out the truth about what she really believes?

Plato proposed a justification for politicians’ lying in The Republic, albeit misguided: “Then if anyone at all is to have the privilege of lying, the rulers of the State should be the persons; and they, in their dealings either with enemies or with their own citizens, may be allowed to lie for the public good.”

If Harris suddenly changes some of her positions in order to help her election chances, should we take her at her word, or should we assume she is lying? The less she is willing to discuss her views, the more likely it is she is not telling us the truth.

Truth and clarity ultimately defeat lies and secrecy because the truth eventually comes out, either in this life or in the world to come. Jesus said, “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open” (Luke 8:17). 

Harris says she wants to lead the nation. But how can you even begin to lead hundreds of millions of Americans unless you are accessible and transparent? The longer she avoids questions and conversations, the more we will be inclined to doubt her honesty.

Politicians are certainly entitled to change their minds and tweak their positions. But if a coy candidate does a complete 180 shortly before an election, it causes people to seriously question the sincerity of her convictions and the truthfulness of her claims. 

Based on her personal statements and public positions over the years, many Americans have solid reasons to be convinced that Kamala Harris is a committed socialist. Kamala’s running mate, Tim Walz, has said, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” Do Kamala Harris and Tim Walz secretly long for the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism in the United States? What un-American transitions is Kamala hoping to bring about in our nation? And how many Americans have any idea what it would be like to live in a country such as China or Cuba? 

Kamala Harris smiles a lot but says very little that is not scripted. Shouldn’t you be extremely suspicious about such a candidate, especially given her far-left dreams and aspirations? Harris’s total disregard for the lives of unwanted preborn babies who are within days or weeks of being born reveals a dark heart, regardless of how often she smiles and laughs.

Dan Delzell is the pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. 

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